Canadian Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology


The Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology is an official section of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Members consist of faculty from both Psychology departments and Business schools, consultants from various organizations, and students from numerous universities.

The Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP) is an organization whose mission is to further the welfare of people by: (a) helping organizations effectively manage their human resources, (b) scientifically investigating human behaviour and cognition at work, and (c) helping individuals realize their work goals, including helping them to maximize job satisfaction and productivity and minimize work stress. You can engage with our site by learning more about us, reading our original content (which shares research, highlights findings, and showcases practical issues faced in organizations), or exploring content relevant to students. We also have an active social media presence on Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

For more information. Please visit About Us.